With the summer season approaching, many people decide to make the garden "summer-ready. A new barbecue, a comfortable garden set and some plants is where many stop. Others do it more thoroughly and take the entire garden in hand.
A nice do-it-yourself project, but one that requires some caution. After all, Dutch soil is full of cables and pipes. Digging in the garden can accidentally damage this underground infrastructure. Fortunately, with proper preparation, this is easy to prevent.
How to prepare properly when digging the garden, you can read in this article.
Digging in the garden naturally has different degrees. If you are planting pansies or digging the garden, there is little chance that you will damage cables or pipes because these are superficial activities.
Cables and pipes in the garden are generally deeper. If you are going to plant a tree, and put up a new fence or dig in a trampoline, you often have to go deeper into the ground, increasing the chance of damage that you will encounter cables and pipes. Even if you think there is nothing there, you may have cables and pipes under your own property.
Before you roll up your sleeves, think about what exactly you are going to change in the garden, how deep you have to dig and whether you need a shovel, auger or excavator.
Will you need the help of a gardener or a paver, for example, to create your dream garden? If so, include this in your plan as well. As well as how long you expect to spend digging. This is all essential information that will determine whether you need to make other preparations.
The first steps in preparing for digging in the garden have been taken. You have concretized your plans, called in the right help and borrowed or rented tools.
If all goes well, you now know whether you are going to dig, for what purpose, with what tools and how deep.
On this basis, you can determine whether a Klic request is required. If you are going to dig mechanically, you are obliged to make a Klic request. Here you can read all the rules about digging in the ground.
Did you know that even you as a private person are legally obliged to file a Klic request if you are going to dig with an excavator? Even if you are not going to dig with an excavator, it is wise to file an excavation report.
Are you curious about examples of activities in the garden where a Klic request, click here!
When you file a private Klic request with Klic App, you will receive a map that exposes underground infrastructure. This is included with the handy Klic App, allowing you to access the map on your mobile and tablet while digging. Note: since April 1, 2021, it is mandatory to be able to view the Klic notification digitally in a viewer such as the Klic App. This allows you to easily find out where cables and/or pipes are located, how deep they are from the ground surface and which network operator owns the cables. In this way, you can easily prevent excavation damage and any dangerous situations that may arise. The important thing is that you dig carefully. Take your time and dig layer by layer.
In short, by starting with a plan you know whether you will come into contact with cables and pipes and whether a Klic request is required. Preparation really is half the battle! Want to know more about how Klic App works? Read more about how the Klic App works.