Digging near trees can be very damaging to the tree. Work near green spaces and trees should therefore be avoided as much as possible. But if this is unavoidable, it is important that you proceed carefully. Of course, you should also make a Klic report when digging near trees.
Always check the conditions and requirements set by the municipality where the work will take place. This prevents inconvenience and damage to the tree.
Below are 6 items to watch out for when digging around trees:
Protect the trunk and roots by not doing any work around the tree at least the size of the crown projection. The crown projection is the edge of the tree projected onto the ground. This area, and one meter from the crown projection, is where most of the roots are located. Also, keep construction traffic and building materials out of this area. This actually leads to damage to the roots and it compacts the soil, which can cause the roots, around the crown projection, to die.
Avoid damaging the roots by not digging mechanically within the crown projection, dig manually near trees as much as possible. By digging manually and carefully laying cables and pipes using as many trenchless techniques as possible, you protect the roots of the tree. Use cable trays and conduits, and do not place cables and pipes within two feet of trees.
It is permitted to cut tree roots thinner than 40 mm under the condition that the roots are finished smoothly. Tree roots wider than 40 mm may not be cut down. Roots may be exposed for up to 24 hours when excavated and must be protected from drying out and frost.
Always consult with the tree manager and/or an ETW certified arborist. Never just cut off branches or roots yourself. Only an expert can judge how pruning is responsible.
Under concrete and asphalt a shortage of water and oxygen occurs, causing roots to die. If the roots do grow stronger, the asphalt can crack, causing unsafe road situations.
Whether you are digging in your own garden, someone else's garden, private or business with an excavator? You a required to request a Klic notification. It is important that you know where cables and pipes lie. This way you prevent damage to networks and comply with valid laws and regulations.
If you are going to do other jobs, in the garden for example, read here for which 7 jobs in the garden you need an Klic report.
>> Start here the Klic request <<