KLICAPP does not act on behalf of the Kadaster


Klic request as a domestic user

As a domestic user, you are also required to file an excavation notification. You are obliged to file a klic notification if you are going to dig mechanically. With an excavation notification you receive cable and pipe information from the location where you indicate you are going to dig. As a domestic user, you must also have this information digitally available at the excavation site while you are digging. This can be done with the Klic App.

Statutory digging notification as a domestic user

Under the WIBON Act, formerly WION, an excavation notification (a KLIC request) is mandatory. This applies to companies as well as domestic user. It does not matter how deep the excavation is. As long as a machine is used to dig, you must request a KLIC report. Read more about these rules here.

After the notification, you will receive cable and pipe information from the location where you are going to dig. This could be in your garden, for example.

Dig as a domestic users

Digging by hand

If you are going to dig by hand, you are not legally required to file a notification. Nevertheless, you can cause damage to cables and pipes with a hand auger, for example. We therefore advise you to file a notification so that you can prevent digging damage. Some cables are already several centimeters deep in the ground.

Prevent damage with excavation report

As a domestic user, you can also do your bit to prevent digging damage by requesting an excavation report before you start digging.

You also help if you come across discrepancies in the cable and pipe information while digging. For example, when the location of a cable or pipe differs more than 1 meter from the location on the map. Or when you discover that some cables or pipelines are not on the map at all, or they are and in the end they are not there.

In these cases, even as a domestic user you are obliged to report this immediately. In this way you ensure that the quality and topicality of the map material of the Netherlands can be improved for all users. You do not report this to us but with the form at the Land Registry called 'KLIC report anomalous situation'.

Ultimately, the goal is to prevent excavation damage. And you do this by making a Klic request.