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Klic App download: How to download this Klic viewer

To view the Klic requests, you can download this Klic viewer free of charge at:

No login required!
You do not need login details for the Klic App. When you have requested (or uploaded) a Klic report through the www.klic-app.nl, you will receive a text message and/or e-mail with a link to the Klic report as soon as the delivery is ready. If you click on this link from your smartphone or tablet, the Klic report is opened directly in the Klic App without having to log in. After you have clicked on the link, the Klic report is now available in the Klic App. Each time you open the Klic App, it will be available in the app until you delete the notification or the app. A new Klic request becomes available in the app by clicking on the link from the new delivery email/SMS. You can share the Klic report with others by forwarding the text message or email. The links remain active and can be used by the recipient(s) in the same way. Read here more about requesting a Klic report.