KLICAPP does not act on behalf of the Kadaster

Klic App functionality

The Klic App is a user-friendly viewer for smartphone and tablet with some useful features, making it easy to view the Klic request online. It is mandatory to have an digital Klic Request when you are digging. So we are happy to show you how the Klic App works and what the different functionalities are. 

1) Switching layers on/off

With the 'Thema’s' button, different layers can be switched on or off. This applies to topography and disciplines of network operators. With selection of one or more disciplines, only the selected cables and pipes are shown. In this way, you can for example only display the cables of KPN. By default, all layers are shown on the map.

2) Determine position with GPS

When you open the Klic request on location, an icon on the Klic map shows where you are. For this to be operational, the GPS functionality of your smartphone or tablet must be switched on. Please note that your GPS position may not be fully accurate, depending on the type of device and location. You must always take precautions to determine the exact location of cables and pipes. With the ‘GPS’ button, the location functionality in the App Klic can be switched on or off.

3) To measure = to know

With the 'Meetlint' button, a digital measuring tape is activated. You can now use your finger to determine the starting point of your measurement. Move your finger to the end and release. The measurement has been completed, and the distance is shown at the top left of the screen. With the 'Meetlint' button, you can deactivate the measurement tape. Hint: For accurate measuring, zoom in as far as possible.

4) View attachments

With the Klic App, all attachments of the Klic request can be viewed. With the 'Bijlagen' button you can access attachments such as letters of network operators, house connections and details of different disciplines.

5) Contact details

With the 'Contact' button, all relevant contact information is visible. When using the Klic App on your smartphone, you can call directly to for example, the network operator by pressing the corresponding number.


Now that you know more about the Klic App you can request a klic report.

>>Start the Klic request<<